intrigued by these wild housewives, i decided to visit them in their base, tokyo's komai city. guess who showed up it at the local community center? a group of flamboyantly dressed women of uncertain age. >> she suggested i wore false eyelashes and just like at her. >> these eyelashes. >> today is an open practice day for the angels. we are thrilled that so many people have come to watch our practice. thank you so much for coming all the way out here. ♪ >> the housewives danced wildly in revealing costumes. i was overwhelmed by the performance, which was more polished than i had expected. what's more, they're 40. absolutely astonishing. >> translator: there must be all kinds of barrier, like age for instance. and their performance, it's amazing. >> translator: it cheers you up. yes, it does. >> they're so energetic. >> but, still, those costumes, aren't those a little too revealing? and those sexy poses? are they really ordinary housewives? watching them, i became a little embarrassed. i decided to toss them a simple question -- don't you feel embarrassed? >> translator: not at