we understand that, for example, the same process . changing intel processor to comdiv, a russian komdivocessor, well, just kidding, you know, they copied, that is, they pasted on top of komdiv 64, they use intel, most likely, that is, it is possible, that is, it is not difficult to take, for example, to send a person there with a suitcase, which will bring a suitcase of all the chips, yes, we understand that here the sanctions have to be looked at carefully, because they may not work in reality, because there are... certain shuttlers, as they were called in the past, yes, there are certain countries that help russia bypass all this. that's it. speaking directly about, in fact, now we we see that there are certain problems with high-tech things in russia. why? because as an example, you can take the most beautiful option, the simplest option, yes, this is civil aviation. that is, there are always emergency situations here, they are always in russia. they were in the second, third place with various situations, and now they have constant failures, the planes do not fly, that is, they are