you can register right now at komen arizona dot org. a doctor has found an unconventional way to get rid of kidney stones.. ride a roller coaster! the vacations to theme parks. they said they were able to pass the stones.. only after being jostled around on roller coasters. so the doctor built a model of a kidney and tested the theory. he found sitting in the back of the coasters worked best -- with a 60-percent success rate. by the time you blow out 40 birthday candles.. your hair loses some of it's shine and bounce. by 50.. will notice a wider part and thinning hairs. on this turn back the clock tuesday.. we have some tips -- but it depends on the cause. dermatologists tell allure magazine.. it comes down to genetics.. stress.. crash diets.. inflammation and hormonal changes. if it's genetics -- a product that has minoxidil product that has minoxidil could be a big help. for hairloss caused by stress.. diet or some other trauma -- you could try zinc supplements. for needed. also low- energy-laser home gadgets may help. and for hormona