the welcome to sophie and komi sophie shevardnadze while the idea of humanoid robots walking the streets is still just a dream in reality robotics is already taking over our daily lives we'll be able to create thinking robots in a future and also mentally is that something we really want to read want to engineer while watching school work creator all the intelligent but i guess today is going to answer all those questions for you. the future belongs to machines robots able to do any conceivable task given below thinking and understanding language and freeing up humans to pursue higher goals is this vision utopian glorious humanity on the verge of creating. artificial intelligence. being made obsolete by it's own creation. so great to have you on our show today thanks for coming. let's start with artificial intelligence stephen hawking's that full artificial intelligence would spell out and of humanity i've invested ten million dollars into artificial intelligence safety so what do you think in which way would artificial intelligence threaten the human race was the three main trains.