wow, citizens witnesses, pay attention to this object, citizen komlev, this thing belongs to you, you clear, you don't want to cooperate with me, well, the examination will show what you're telling me, that these brown spots are blood, the blood belongs to varshavsky, everything is okay? yes, it was okay until i got involved with this charlatan, he let me go, yes, i killed him and i don't regret it one bit, okay, and gayev, gaif, this idiot just happened to be outside the door when i killed varshavsky, and you cops, happy to try, immediately grabbed him, okay, finish here, everything as it should be, veniam, as agreed, didn't see me, if anything, hands. nadezh, hello, hello, yes, they called, doctor-colonel, they called, here is everything you asked for, wiretapping, violation from today, the entire sobolev department, everything has been agreed with the management, what are you standing there for, go do it, get me this so... there is nevsky new season soon on ntv. apply for an s7 t bank card and get cashback in miles for daily purchases. miles can be spent on air tickets, s7 airlines