the hong kong janice association says that attacks on the press threatened the status of hong kong as age as well. city. hong kong was once known as a thriving hub for media outlets. but since the national security law was introduced in 2020, that change. and now there are big fears over whether independent journalism here is being crushed, hong kong courts. a sentence lawyer child hung tongue to 15 months in prison. she was convicted for inciting, an unauthorized gathering. to commemorate this gentlemen squire massacre, child was arrested last year. the day before the june anniversary of the 1989 crack down bay jane. she was convicted on similar charges in december. the sentencing on tuesday mean she'll spend 22 months in jail. police is bad. the annual chatham in video for the past 2 years. fighting corona virus restrictions, yemen hersey rebel, say an m r r t flag ship they seized was carrying military supplies. the cargo vessel was taken near the empty port city of data on sunday. the seas of released video from the ship saying, shows weapons and other equipments aboard the saudi