it and feed slices to get pictures and use automated recognition in the stack of pictures of konica denature x of the uploaded out how dinner on functions bendable emulation on a sufficiently powerful computer. mississippi where far away from being able to do now and enabling technologies to do that. but it would not require any new conceptual rates, 70 new theory to understand how thinking works to produce machine intelligence. in principle you could do it by understanding how the parts of the framework and then using brute force technologies to build emulation of that. i can see some cross-sections of neurons. at the bottom they are there is a block of these pictures on top of one another. in the upper right corner is the state-of-the-art of image recognition, algorithms having been extract it from there. soviet microscopes they can see with the right solution. to image an entire brain that resolution would take roughly forever and the picture up there in the right corner looks very nice, but these algorithms make error and does add up and they have good arrow computational models, but not