we can pabachyts konnik with a cap, then the side of the yuriy peramozhtsa with... the coat of arms,ongs to the family of the chatswiartsinskis, and the very words cartouche pakhodzitsy hell words curled up, twisted, you can show yourself a cavalak of paper with nadrovanny edges mі, as the neck softens significant important simval. in our case, this is the coat of arms of the gaspadar family of the chatswiartsinskys. adpavedna such a cartouche was softened just like the business card of sennya ўyаўlenne, who is a gaspadar. why geta budynak? admetnaya prykmeta baroka is a holy parushenne ensign in the ancient order system. parts of the order, base, entablature, capitel, rastsyagvayutstsa, imposing adzin on the adnago, twisting. perzh harmonic structure - the proportionality of the chalavek, the growing mass and irvana of the mouth. the skin detail is lush and smooth. the ligament has close joints. baroka, cancer and classicism are the origin of breeding any size decor, this trot is paddhopic then rakako, put a lot of emphasis on... get out. the main mastsky idea is a psychological exp