ordinary human being. >> if somebody came into the bookstore and said they want add dean koontz novel love story, bought i mix genres. maybe a little science fiction, horror. each is different. >> you're having a great time, dean. a good time to be you. publisher's weekly says it's about you. kuntz working at his pinnacle, some of the deepest themes of human existence, nature of evil, grip of faith and power of love. where does your interest in the supernatural come from? >> i was interested in it even as a kid, i think, because i was reading ray bradbury and people like that, as soon as i was old enough to read, and i was drawn to it. i don't know why. i think we follow what our own freewill tells us to do and that's where i've been drawn, into fiction like that. >> your writing process i think is very interesting. i heard you sometimes just do a page a day and then rewrite that page over and over and over? >> i -- always think -- always sure the career's going down the drain any minute, and so when i write each page, i never think it's good. so i rhee rewrite it 20, 30 times. then g