. >> photographer koos van der lende purchased the land five years ago, and has taken countless picturesthe area since then. it rarely rains here. but when it does, the landscape is transformed into a pageant of color. another special feature about this area of land is that it could act as a corridor for wild animals since it's located between two different protected areas. d'ruell: we are standing here roundabout on the northern border of it. to the west and south stretching down to namaqua national park and then to the north east perpetual goegap nature reserve. and here you can see the proposed corridor linking the two protected areas. >> the karoo region of south africa is home to more than five thousand species of plants. and some 40% of them can only be found here. koos: a bit of the last purple, because the rain season is gone now. and this will be the final flowers, we had some beautiful rain a couple of days ago, so it refreshes a little bit. but slowly it will go down now. >> once upon a time, this area was farmland. koos: the history is going back for a long time, since the 17