if a delegation passes through the territory of the kopol branch, then everyone is delighted only with way they talk about these sulphurs, in fact, the girls, the workers of this plant, they are probably the calling card of this enterprise, because when they talk about their cheeses, they tell the story of the creation of this cheese, then you even fall in love with this process itself, and then you start trying it and... just a wow effect, it’s just careless. the kupolsky enterprise supplies 14 stores to stores across the country types of cheeses, daily shipment of about 500 kg. traditionally mass-produced cheeses are cheeses of the russian group, due to the average price range, due to the culture of consumption, well, in second place are aged cheeses, but due to the cost, they are again due to the conditions of production... they are naturally produced in they are consumed in smaller volumes. cheeses of which there are more than a thousand types in the world today are distinguished by their unique taste, preparation technology, composition and nutritional value. the pride of the kopo