the quality of our, our products has always remained at its best, let’s say the quality of our koprolokhtamr competitors were able to repeat it decades later, we achieved him initially. that plant , which was built in the early sixties , is still the flagship, produces products not only for domestic production, but also exports its products, apparently, this was probably a wise decision made again on time, the results of this decision are reflected today, today's plant from a bird's eye view, well, if you compare the area then in 1964, now... that this is a disparate area in size, the nitrogen fertilizer plant laid the foundation the creation of a whole center of the chemical industry of the republic in grodno, in the early seventies, the established chem fiber plant produced the first batch of synthetic fiber. at another enterprise , the production of much-needed household liquid chemicals began ... covered the whole world, we even supplied the united states, we were at a time when china, let's say, rose from its knees and rose in height, we very much products were supplied to the people's