something, someone is looking, maybe we guys they gave us the wrong orientation, suddenly those whom kopylovaf you tell me where the coins go, then you can go for a walk, now come on, go to your room, come on, come on. well, let's take it, yes, perhaps only be careful, he probably has a weapon, so come on, you go to him, i’m behind. fucked up, can you tell me, this is house 7, what am i saying, this is house 7, i have no idea. there will be no lights, yes, you, yes, what are you doing, quietly, don’t rock the boat, the violators will drag in, he said quietly, men, you have the right, i will complain, this is lawlessness, here are the investigators and complain, this is lawlessness, men, i will complain, men, you what? i, this is chaos, guys, we didn’t kill him, we only influenced him morally, but what does morally mean? well, from serious bodily harm, when and where are you on it did they influence? without serious bodily harm, the day before yesterday, in the evening, in a vacant lot? why did he choose this place himself? we wanted to sit in a restaurant, but in a vacant lot, in a vacant lot