it is located in the kora, it is located in an incomplete ring precisely in the cortex, and from whichree sides. and at the same time, the enemy is trying to keep the city, trying to keep the city by any means, e, not counting the losses, not counting the losses of both equipment and manpower. and therefore, why not in a hurry , captures the city itself due to the fact that as soon as we occupy this city without bleeding the flank of the flank, we do not provide ourselves with plan -flank protection. and we will find ourselves in the same, we would find ourselves in the same position, vulnerable to the same lowland. but now, uh against uh, let's say the enemy has, uh, there is practically no chance to hold the city about this, they themselves say and prisoners. and if you look, uh, telegram channels of ukrainian servicemen. eh, then they all say that if you get into bakhmut, then you can’t just live from there. we see that more and more units are coming to the line of contact. but if you believe uh ukrainian sources, it's mostly defense. basically, these are mobilized people. and where