so at the end of the day, we are creating a clean renewable energy right here in koramangala.ter: the biggest buyer is a neighboring restaurant. the gas is piped in from just 200 meters away. the restaurant is hugely popular. the kitchen uses about 70 kilograms of biogas a day, which is also cheaper than conventional cooking gas. aarish: with them, it's directly piped, so there's absolutely no wastage, and we don't have to stock cylinders, we don't have to waste space. it's cost effective, it's convenient, we're doing something for the environment. reporter: the bulk of bangalore's waste is driven 40 to 50 kilomemeters outsidede e tyty. there e no official dumps within theity anymore for the 5000 tons of garbage bangalore generates every single day. but even designated landfills like this one are a major hazard. som: landfill is no fancy place. it's the mosost unscientifificy ofof handling yoyour waste. it attracts flies, rodents, causes diseases, causes groundwawater pollutioion, cres leachate, agagain, which i s entetering into your groundwer, damagingng your grououndwatr so