bought $1717.00 but klein and one posting isn't just for corners and gold bugs $30000000000.00 korean kugel armor do it too and with government spending and debt levels so high even a small rise in interest rates would make paying down the debt even more difficult than it already is so central banks have been increasingly monetizing the debt printing money to loan to the government in the form of buying government bonds at low interest rates since january 2020 the u.s. has printed 40 percent more u.s. dollars than previously existed we are not privy to conversations at central banks or departments of treasury but we foresee no end to this in the near term and then they go on to say while we can't predict the interest rates will do we can see that the inflation is going to eat away our treasury writes us $100000000.00 at the bottom because i am you know this is the echo of the 1971 day when gold window was closed by richard nixon we went on or off the standard and within a few decades as nomi prins writes about her book collusion all global central banks were colluding on this money print th