literally broke into this list of expensive musicians at full gallop, adding to it the seoul district gonam district ganam and the street of the same name gan in korean this is the riverhe south, respectively, to the south of the otrek is this most fashionable part of seoul a couple of years ago. she became world famous thanks to a local singer and his gang style composition. gannam or gangnambu seoul beverly hills incredibly expensive extremely prestigious and very stellar area gunnamstyle gongnam style of life - it's chic brilliance beauty, raised to an absolute degree and clothed in a very expressive form, sweet life, which an expression from the gonam district pakcha-san, famous for how sai either ridicules or sings in his super hit video, thanks to style songs, a huge number of people in the world have learned about the existence of korean pop music. now, travelers who come to seoul from all over want to, among other things, take a walk along shit street and be sure to see our museum, the recently opened museum of korean pop music or k-pop, as the koreans themselves call it, offer visitors not only photos and videos of modern korean pop stars, but also provides a