koresh preached that he had that power.ut by january 1992, disturbing rumors about the self-styled prophet had surfaced. the local newspaper, "the waco tribune herald," began to investigate koresh and his hold over the davidians. >> he had what was called his new light revelation and that was that as the messiah he should generate a new population of people to inherit the kingdom of god, and to do that all of the women in the group belonged to him. >> as part of his new light prophecy, koresh dissolved all existing marriages in the group. >> the men in the group would choose to become celibate. if they were married, they would, you know, not have any more relations with their wives. >> it's true. i do have a lot of children. it's true, i do have a lot of wives. >> but koresh apparently did not stop there. >> when david first started teaching, he began to show that god asked prophets to do what we might consider strange things a lot of times. >> we had evidence that he had sexually abused girls as young as 12. >> is it my gr