big rah, rah mentor guy but having a conversation and guys have been responding to it so far and korman well and i want it to spread throughout the entire team so i have been dealing with it the right way so far. >> i have been dealing with that too, because like i am currently working on a new record, and a part of the big premise of the new album is having a lot of young artists on it, a lot of upcoming artists whether they are young in age or just up coming in terms of where they are at in the music business. >> yes. >> and so the name of the project is go to, it is interesting because a lot of these guys are young, a lot of these guys are up and comers and kind of is the same thing, because you have to teach guys what to prepare themselves for. >> exactly. >> and shows guys what it is going to be like when they finally get out there and break all the way through and it has been a lot of fun so i respect that, man, i know how you feel. >> absolutely. >> in that position. >> it don't get no better than this, man. >> makes the catch, touchdown, giants. >> time to perform, right? >> oh,