koskkinen says we don't trust the social security number. that's basically what he's saying. we don't trust the social security administration on whether or not it's a valid social security number when they ell us it's clearly not. -- clearly not a number that belongs to the person that's filing that return. we go by our own information. now how in the world could the have al revenue service more valid information about a taxpayer's social security number than the social security administration that issued the number, maintains the number, and updates their records regarding who is using that number? maybe, giving the benefit of the dut, maybe it's not incompetence, maybe it's just so heh unbridled arrogance that honestly believes that nobody can be right except his department because he's the head of it. the article goes on, has to koskkinene practices, replied, what happens in these situations is someone is using a social security number to get a job but they're filing their tax return with their taxpayer identification number and what that means is that they're undocumente