waiting for you, this is rachinsky, the gps signal has changed dramatically, now one has moved to kosmodemskayaall match, for sure was missing, a unique country with a unique. destiny, unique culture, unique people, original and... mysteries with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. yes, the gps signal comes directly from the arena. understood. ravchinsky, we are moving towards kosmedianovskaya embankment, in a few minutes we will be there, accepted. this is this bus. are you all ready? i have everything ready. yes, wait, we need to look at your vehicle, everything is fine, i’ll ask for a moment’s attention, now we all calmly get up, leave all our things in place and go out into the street, i repeat, calmly, put it down phone, turn off the timer. now it’s impossible to turn off the timer, you want to avenge your father, but what do other people have to do with it, is this fair? you think you can make the world a better place wearing white gloves without bothering, force understands only force, in order to