who have been like oh stop being so woke, so dramatic, kung flu, ha ha ha it is just a joke, that kosmsof the most tense times in human history. you knew that something like this could happen. if you just apply your mind, you know it is going to happen. this guy didn't go and kill these women by mistake. he knew what he was doing. and it is so frustrating to see them th keep happening in america over and over again. america sees things coming. it knows something is going to happen but it does nothing to stop it, but then it is all in, saying oh so tragic, who could have predicted this tragedy, anyone who was looking at it could. why are people so invested in solving the symptoms instead of the cause. america does this time and time again. a country that wants to fight the symptoms and not the underlying conditions that cause those symptoms to take effect. racism, misogyny, gun violence, mental illness and honestly this incident might have been all of those things combined because it doesn't have to be one thing on its own, america is a rich tapestry of mass shooting motivations but what