the end of the kosovo war very dramatically is that the image people had of that war as a simple case of villains versus victims with the serbs the villains and the codes for liberation army as the victims was overly simplistic and that the serbs were indeed villainous but the kosovo kosovo liberation army wasn't that much better they also engaged in terrible massacres and ethnic cleansing and recently the european union has issued a report implicating the leadership with the kalay and the possible trafficking of human organs taken from slaughtered serbs. so what you had in kosovo is a situation where neither side came off very well and backing the kosovo liberation army the united states and the european union made itself complicit in mass ethnic cleansing in other atrocities. i fear that that's a possibility in libya and that we don't really know that much about the opposition and we've got a clearly more market doth he's a very unsavory and brutal leader we know that but there is a danger that the opposition may also commit ugly atrocities and then backing the opposition which again we just don't know that much about the west may be setting itself up for becoming and t