hey guys, i'm phil torres joined by kosta grammatis and dr. shini somara. when you think chattanooga tennessee, you don't necessarily think of a digital hub but in fact it's the fastest internet in the western hemisphere. >> how fast is the interent at your apartment? >> i think it's about eight megabits per second. in chattanooga, every resident has 1000mega bits per second, a whole mega bite, a giga bit for them to use. >> wow, so how long would it take to download an entire movie? >> two minutes. it's lightning fast. >> two minutes, it goes so fast. >> let's just go to chattanooga and watch movies all day. it's incredible. >> i'm totally in. but hang on, the us ranks 26 on the global scale of internet speeds. >> so why is chattanooga so advanced compared to the rest? >> well, if you go outside chattanooga, they are still using satellite and dial-up to get online. there's nothing else. >> really seems like that town in tennessee represents the digital divide that we don't just see in the us, but what we see around the world. let's take a look. >> it's 5pm