today, this is kostyaneyego, definitely, in the future, time will come, life will tell. after 5 yearsft alone, the november darkness was around me, the city, he was in forty miles from me, i really wanted to run away from my point there, there was electricity, four doctors, you could consult with him, at least not so scary, but i myself understood that this was cowardice, every day on rounds i walked with a swift step, dear felshero is behind me. stopping at the bed where a sick man was melting in the heat, breathing pitifully, i squeezed out of my brain everything that was in it, i listened to how my heart beats mysteriously in the depths and carried to myself one thought, how to save him, and save him, and that's all. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations; there is a prospect for taking russian digital solutions to new heights. there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is the overall situation with production, raw materials and exports? what is our product? the intelligence services of