has appealed to negotiators to conclude the final text of the european union mare koza trade accord so that it can be signed speaking at a virtual summit of the south american trade bloc both celera said he is working to undo as he put it a distorted views of brazil's policies on the amazon and its indigenous people his government's environmental measures have been met with criticism in europe and calls to block the trade deal that has taken 2 decades to negotiate in 2019 the worst amazon forest fires to hit for years raged across brazil many of them started deliberately by farmers. primarily because it enables industrial scale farming to expand relentlessly the lack of environmental regulation is facing heavy criticism from the e.u. . there are major campaigns in germany underway which are calling for the boycott of brazilian article traill products i think the only way of forcing paulson r.-o. to rethink now is with economic pressure. the increasing destruction of the amazon rain forest is threatening the trade agreement between the e.u. and the mercosur countries which include brazi