also, kozlov was a better shot than he has been given credit for. and a great marksman by any means, but he also was not bad. you have to take all that into account. again, i have to be very critical. i have outlined above 30 ways that they failed in the kennedy half century. it is embarrassing. what really is the most irritating democratic, the american public would have waited in the amount of time for a good investigation, what has been any amount of money for the warren commission to do its job. if it had done the job thoroughly and well in 1963-64, we would not have had 50 years of pure cynicism, much generated by their results of the kennedy assassination. >> the next question, as the 50 years of cynicism undermined the confidence in the u.s. government? a lot of it goes to the warren commission, the belief that the government defeated the empire of japan cannot see germany, the interstate highway system, putting man into space. government generally did not solve the great depression but at least in urease it and give people hope. evidence fro