>> i spent nine years at kpmg and twlant lot of public findings during that time. when you file something like an s-1 document to raise money, the number three page is risk factors. it is a list of like five or ten reasons why investors shout not invest in you. >> you have to be honest about them. >> you do. you have the financing plan, the budget and financial statements, you should be telling perspective investors here's reasons why you would not want to invest in this business. they will appreciate the honesty and credibility itprosprektive customers. >> and then that's an easy way for you to say here's why you should not the and here's why we thought about that and this is our plan for all of this. >> it shows that you thought all the way through. riding on the whole other end of that, the materials and what you want to prepare is the experience you want to create when you are talking to your investors, and this is a sensory product, and i would spray the room and really transport your investor so that they can remember you and remember your user experience, so