kqed on some hero. please step to the podium. -- unsung hero. [applause] >> i said i was that going to cry, so i won't. i was overwhelmed last year, when i emceed on behalf of tom phillips. he gave me a call and asked him to -- asked me to help again this year. he said, kqed will contact you in one or two days. 10 minutes later, kqed calls, and we are going over some of the things that we are doing today. and her voice said, you know, you were nominated, and you won one of the awards. i said, what? she repeated herself. she did it three times. before it sank in. again, thank you. for this prestigious award recognizing native americans in the community. my friend joe sent me an e-mail. he said, first off, congratulations. there are two reasons why they give community service awards. the first reason is because they think you are old, in poor health, ready to die, and they want to honor you before you die. [laughter] the second reason is because you are a nice guy, earl. joe, i hope it is the latter, because i do feel pretty good. in our kiowa lan