let's take our next tweet from @kraigbu, who asks, which is smarter, add to a holding that has been recently hurt or initiate a new position? #madtweets. if you do not want to buy more you liked it higher, you should love it lower. so the answer is buy more of the lower one or get rid of it. up next, @no2l -- whatever -- at what percent for profit should we sell shares? @no2. okay. this is really important. there's no firm rule, but what i like to do is when a stock goes up about 50%, i like to sell some of it, and then a little bit more, and i sell more. but the ultimate goal for all great investing, you play with that's the way to do it. always try to fight to get to the point where you're playing for the house's money. and, yes, stay with cramer. why are you checking your credit score? i wanna see if it changed. credit scores don't change that much, do they? really? i'll take it. sir, your credit... yeah, i'd better check my credit score. here, try credit karma. it's free. all right. no more surprises. credit karma. give yourself some credit. you know your heart loves megared omega-3s...