well, a la, kharkiv a la , for example, kramator, slaving, a la, zaporozhye here, uh, relying on them a huge amount of equipment into the dungeon there. well, what they have, yes, and then secretly they are not far from the front line, literally in a matter of hours they can’t deploy and go like this, this is actually what they used. i think this will be a bet. they must also be done, but by the way, yesterday was an interesting event. even the night before yesterday , they were in the british direction for the first time tried to apply this local tactic, that is, reconnaissance, the battle was using these all elements. that is, massive drone attacks from him. here are the so-called drone shock companies that are attached to the brigades for this contrast. they attempted to breach our front line in two places. and everywhere were reflected that, in principle, optimism is inspired from my side, because the main task, that is, how to hit, uh, with the first strike of drones well , some is limited, in this case , the number of targets, they could not break out, and here for them it is th