meeting is the culmination of an interpersonal conflict that is already smoldering. for many months, krastsov’st is in what he told me directly, he says to me, we need a report on you, we are all offended by you, because you wrote a statement against my brother, things started happening in the reserve poaching, i wrote a statement to the senior inspector, who essentially carried out poaching in the ilizarovsky reserve, i was kicked out of work, through the court i was reinstated to work, but after they created such conditions for me that i would work for 400 kilos. i will still go there from home at my own expense, i refused to write of my own free will, and since then this unpleasantness has been going on, this complicated story has received attention thanks to a journalist and state duma deputy. will sort it out, but while the valiant police officers and the national guard in these difficult times, without any pathos, i say, he performs his duty courageously, some are rude, rude, poaching, this should not happen. the state committee carried out several checks, which confirmed that the parties