satine is the first deputy chief at krebb. 'sernia's secret intelligegenc'' 'no photograph has ever been taken of him.' even his co-workers at krebb don't know what he looks like. e do know that he has stomach troubles.' he has stomach trouble? 'he imports some special drugs from england.' satine was devoted to premier jans. that's why he was to help you. 'with the death of jans, he's probably picked another side.' sir, would you tell me what the sides are and why this dove is so important? - thrush is involved. - breaking contact, sir. [people chattering] it was a plot by certain forces of the west. 'the americans had their hands in--' my friend! my dear, dear friend. premier earnst, it's a pleasure. may i intrododuce mr. solo? a visitor from my country. premier earnst. major linz, first secretary of the cabinet. premier earnst, may i offer you my personal condolences and those of the united states at the loss of mylo jansns. 'that-that incident in the tomb.' oh, yes, mister ambassador. yes, it was. why would anyone do a thin