krechet vitaly yegorych was please, thank you please 41 to 44 was here.ell, how do you understand, secret information is not for me to tell you ? i wouldn't be surprised if the secretary of the regional committee has some far eastern district recorded in his personal file. you're speaking nice. and then it will be even better. if you leave the same facts, but change the suspect. oh how beautiful it will be. their someone, then the suspect. are you david markovich? after the sortie of german saboteurs, the hospital burned down for a month. are you on your head? it converges, why did you seem to put it in the closet? i would send it to the cell . and you are in the closet. why go gave money reflections could immediately prick. are you saying that you are an academician? listen further. blowing up your apartment spectacularly very effectively why blow up an empty apartment? it's not that hard to kill you. i don’t want to shoot, you can on the street near the house near yefim, not in a spillikin. oil painting well done. oil painting oil painting alone does no