, but for simple ordinary people like me, who watch this program, i am happy. open google, type kremlingramite that collects all the evidence that telegram is a russian platform that is dangerous for ukrainians, and i think that you will then decide that you can somehow live without telegram in your work and in his personal life. larisa, how should we fight whether and whether we should fight with the telegram and how our viewers and... to explain to telegram users that this network, which is used by the fsb, and they have created 800 or 900 telegram channels there, work all over the world and try to influence the information field, well , the ukrainian one as well, because with the beginning of the big after the war , we had a boom in telegram channels, well , it is impossible to explain it in any way, because people think they know everything, yes, yes, there are kremlin channels somewhere, of course, well, i am a smart person, i don't read nonsense. that is, there is a certain pride that does not work. i believe that there is a method, which was still applied during the first, during the