now he has left, and i would really not want his krestina to be bored. you know show it to, something i did not understand what you are hinting at. wait, what did you think that i invited you to the post of president or you wanted can manage the department? not yet, that you will carry out my small assignments. didn't deserve more. here's a girl for you, and she must believe. at the very least, that you are her closest friend and well-wisher, and over time, she will tell you everything that happens in the house and will be, so to speak, your voluntary informant. but she married your girl. she is engaged, but, in my opinion, this never prevented you from calling ruslan to her habitats. and this is for you for the first time. although you know, let him pay, she is her fiance rich, so go. pasta girls on the ears is his strong point. although so far, in my opinion, the only one. what about the girl, what about the daughter? i alexey sergeevich completely forgot to tell you one very important detail. the thing is, it's a girl. disabled that is, as that is , she is anonymous, w