daring georgy got a degree, and then it was... flint, creamy, it wasn't a guldar, then donetsk, krimenayayou arrived in cremina, and then you were just working, it immediately hit you, and right through in front, when you left, well, they moved away and went away, arrivals began for us, well, you had time then, of course, everything was already worked out right away, that this was the story with the drg, well, there was such an abandoned, abandoned settlement, not a settlement, but a building. abandoned, well , we were not far away, a fire started, we heard fire on ours, next to the cars, there was a house, bullets were flying, i immediately raised the crew, well, on command, well, for battle, contact, when i went first, these people were civilians dressed, well , that is, of course, with a machine gun, he saw me, i was the first to walk in my head, well, the rest sat down behind me, and i just walked in my head, well, i think, you never know how many of our people are. a man walks and opens fire on me, hits me with a bullet, and i’m already ready, i fall, well, i start shooting at them,