. >> kripalu is located in the berkshires. it's beautiful.'ll come away with positive thinking skills, optimism and a renewed perspective and the ability to see things perhaps a little bit differently. yoga and all that good stuff. >> good for your body. >> and one on the west coast? >> there is one located on big sur. 120 acres. >> that is one of the most gorgeous spots on the planet. >> it's incredibly beautiful. there are workshops on specific challenges, no matter what you're dealing with, whether it's grief or creativity, whatever you're dealing with, you can go there and spend time, two to 28 days. a great way to explore these things and come out with a different perspective. >> they are looking so spiritual. frank and i went there and pretended we were meeting for the first time on a date at the bar. >> how sexy is that? >> i like it. >> well, it was 26 years ago. >> what about jamaica. . >> this is definitely more laid-back. jackie's on the reef, $150 a night. you'll stay on the water. there's yoga in the morning. you can really unplu