kris childress ju arted hiown drone fyfyng company... hopin to maka lingng drones ttake overhead ctures and of piures with h these things you c c pop them up commecl pilot, have to o an faa lot to operatehese onommercially. and even to operate f siness - he haha to get a wair from t f-a. that, was a year-long process. 9:07 i i understand the m me seriouseness oit, that ip's not a t t. so iey say i can only flylyt so high, if i go itit i'll lo3my pilot license. greg:ith rising sal every yearartherno questionhere's an enthiasm for drones. but th that enthusasm, comes a ncern over s sety and secururu. 0:19 yewe were on the final ig, 800 to 900 feetwh aut00 feet bel us was a dre.e. faa reporteded64 drone sightings nenrlanes, lt yearlone. mpare th to 2323in 2014. despitita rules that forbid flying e 4040feet near cmercial planes or rports. marcell caped inju after a a one came crashing downwn jusus in awa a a llo rapid, t dre bre into pieces. someki resorts are even banni em. cluding cresesd butttt- prohibibin dresm any flyiyi o or thth slsls