rivalry started during the 1996 stanley cup playoffs when avs winger claude lemieux checked detroit's kris draper from behind. draper suffered a broken cheekbone and fractured his nose and jaw. the avalanche went on to clinch the series. things really came to a boiling point on march 26, 1997. the game featured a handful of fights erupt at center ice... it even brought goaltender patrick roy out of net and into the fray. he started taking out red wings player and eventually went toe to toe with detroit goaltender, mike vernon. during the late 1990s and early 2000s... the two teams met five times in the playoffs in seven years... they one five stanley cups between them during that period. this rivalry saw its and early 2000s... and things have kind of cooled off since the wings went to the eastern conference. but if you ask currents avs players... there's still a little extra emotion that goes into playing the red wings. >>>> for those of you who can't make it, we will have the stadium series game saturday night - on channel 9. we invite you to join us at 5:30 saturday - for a half hour special be