. >> tucker: kris kobach is the secretary of state of the state of kansas. he has been following these issues closely because he careso mr. secretary, thanks for coming on. >> thanks for having me, tucker.ths >> tucker: you know, explain to us why it's important to know whether or not people counted by the census are american citizens? >> there are a million reasons why. the first and foremost is that any sovereign nation needs to know how many citizens it has. the second is that all kinds of statistics require us, like unemployment statistics, knowing how many of the people in the united states are citizens and how many are noncitizens, meaning aliens, o both legal and illegal. we have to know that. and then apportionment. if congress decides, as it should, to stop countinge illegal aliens, we need to know exactly how many are in each category. i mean, it's absurd that states like california have an inflated number of representatives inin congress because they have so many illegal aliens. so, there are so many reasons. let me quickly respond to your previou