that the dog parks in san francisco are equivalent to the experience you have taking your dog to kris z- field or fort funston. they are not. some of the san francisco parks are great. some of them are glorified dog runs. they smell bad. they're small. these are not appropriate ways to -- for me to get exercise and for my dog to get exercise. i'm very concerned about the 75% compliance, as are many people. i see it as the equivalent to, you know, if 10 people run a red light, then you close up the intersection and tell everybody to walk. i think we need better enforcement for people who are violating than we currently have. i think there are ways to make the status quo work with better enforcement, better sensing for these protected areas, clearer signage and education. one of the other concerns that i have that i wanted to mention is that part of the fort funston plan has us getting our dogs down to the beach on leash. i would like and i would challenge anyone in the ggnra to take an enthusiastic water dog who's anxious to get to the beach and try to get down that steep slope with them