krishna budha her garang and rishi best to cody which is nine years old when they first met peter dog. i was going down from the school and my house and. i was sitting. and i met peter that in the road is more than a that for us because he's done for us as a dad where our father should be standing but he didn't father he left us he also became a father figure for rishi. and he and i he's the one who do everything for me my uncle and. now the boy say it to their turn to do something for peter ensuring he has good food to eat and it's looked after in prison is he still looking after you financially this is still supporting us yeah yeah yeah we're getting money and we're expanding that money and peter on the beat another and other things. did more than just put the boys through school he helped them see a world beyond a pull taking them to student conferences anything kapoor and thailand. i don't have anything else if i have a better not have been here i would be like doing something some kind of. in gulf countries so yeah or have whatever i've knowledge of. the boys and visit dalgleish