for more, let's bring in the presto automation ceo krishna gupta. largest providers of ai tech for restaurants. what do you think, is ai going to dominate the earnings narrative for this week? krishna: great to be on. let me start by saying that i completely agree with keith. are you creating something that is immediately actionable and valuable for customers today? we believe there are a lot of opportunities to do that in a in the hospitality, restaurant sector. i expect every qs are, every corporation to be thinking about what are the most immediately actionable opportunities to leverage ai today. ed: your focus on ai and drive-thru -- actually, bear with me. president biden talking about first republic. president biden: good afternoon. before we start, i am pleased to say the regulators have taken action to facilitate the sale of first republic bank and to ensure that all depositors are protected and taxpayers are not on the hook. these actions will make sure the banking system is safe and sound, including protecting small businesses around the c