kristen lancaster was certain the man meant to kill her.ning of a fierce fight for the truth. back with the face of evil, here is andrea. >> reporter: 19-year-old kristen lancaster was preparing to die. >> when you're possibly in the last moments of your life, when you think that someone is going to kill you, what is going through your mind? >> i had a moment where i thought, i wish i told all the people i loved that i love them. >> she was in a stranger's apartment being sexually assaulted, drifting in and out of conscienceness. >> i black out, i start to come to again. the scenes in the movies where the bombs explode and everything is really fuzzy. you can't hear. everything is like coming through this fog. >> suddenly, the man stood up and left the room. ordered her to remain quiet. >> i scream as loud as i can, call the police. call the police. >> turns out, the police were at the door. >> so my friend had heard me screaming and stomping and called the police. >> this is like a miracle. >> it was -- yeah. >> in the nick of time, police