kristi haskins johnson of mississippi to be united states district judge for the souther district of mississippi. the presiding officer: the senator from vermont. mr. leahy: mr. president, i'm struck by the fact, as i cal people around my state of vermont, which is, like your state, every state, is suffering from covid, althou our -- i will compliment our republican governor, who has kept the numbers dow lower than practically any other state in the country. but we're facing winter, and even today the outgoing prident does not seem to be willing to acknowledge the huge mistake he made in not accepting the fact that we had a covid pandic coming to this country. we lost too much time preparing for it. we're still not adequately prepared for it. we could take some hope in news of new vaccinations. but even those going to take months before that can be fully implemented. the reason i mention this, mr. president, is that the senate time and time and time again is voting on jicial nominees that have been recommended predominatenantly by special interest group -- predinantly by a special in