kristian: great to be here. fernando: thank you so much.s something that i think a lot of people are unaware of which is that hispanic media is , huge, but it's in a bubble in a way because of the language, and things that happen in english, sometimes don't happen in spanish. kristian: what is happening with english media, which you don't see happening with spanish media, is english media will allow someone like trump to call into a show and say whatever he wants. it's pretty unheard of to do that. and the other thing that english media does, which is bad, is they run a lot of his speeches for long periods of time and then they don't critically comment on them. that's not anything you see in spanish media. fernando: so let me ask you a specific instance here, when trump announced his candidacy, he went out of his way to insult latinos, in particular calling mexican immigrants rapists. how is that playing out in spanish-language media? kristian: well, it's not just trump, which is an interesting things because at the end of the day trump is