where do we get the x to capture kristic?tic was a good example of having a lot of people around him to protect him and if he did not move into an area where we had both forces and capabilities to go after him, this wasn't going to happen. >> we knew kristic would move between serbia and the republic that was territory inside the country of bosnia given to the serbs in the dayton. >> within the republican, we knew kristic would go from one location to another location during the day. he was in a vehicle and he had a driver. just those two guys, single vehicle, not a convey, no protection. so we knew that we would need special operations forces to stop a vehicle, probably going 75 miles an hour, not kill everybody inside, capture kristic, stick him in a helicopter and take him back. the special operators are incredibly gifted, creative folks who understood the mission set. had been given a task, determined how that vehicle was going to slow down in a very short distance. >> how did they do that? >> well, i can't tell you how t