kristin dahlgren from los angeles where she will be stationed for the next several weeks. thank you, kristin, appreciate that. >>> real action movie stuff. some amazing pictures on the left there. those are not superheroes or spies. those are structural engineers rappelling down the washington monument. they are checking that monument for cracks and they're checking it for other damage as well from the earthquake that hit last month. on the right side of your screen there, or on the left side of your screen, this is surveillance video just released yesterday from the day of the quake and you can actually see chunks of the walls and ceiling falling down. a park ranger scene in that surveillance video says when the shaking started she couldn't help, but think terrorism. >> that was the first thought i had. it was some sort of attack. i didn't know what, but i think whatever was happening the best place to be was not at the top, it was at the bottom of the monument. that was my next move, to get out of whatever was going. >> she had a job to do, and she ran back up the monume