here to talk about his find is zoologist kristofer helgen, who spent the last decade tracking the two critters. welcome, and congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> brown: so tell us first about this critter. what is it? >> i want you to meet the olinguito. so this is the latest addition to the raccoon family tree. until now, it's been confused with another kind of animal called the olingo, but it's really quite a different animal. we published today a scientific paper where we gave this animal, the olinguito, its scientific name for the very first time. >> brown: when you say it's been confused, that's part of the intriguing thing of this story, right? these have been around-- you found them, where the evidence, first, in museum collections like this. >> that's exactly right. the story of the olinguito is one of mistaken identity. so i first realized this animal existed by finding specimens in museum collections that had been put in the wrong place, identified as the wrong animal. but i realized as soon as i saw it, the significance of this animal. it was first in the chicago fie